Montpellier Creative

Enter the crow’s nest

Creative people eh? Who’d have ‘em? We do, and they live in our Crow’s Nest.

Make a difference to your business with our in-house creativity and design know-how.

Guided by Montpellier strategic consultants as part of an integrated approach, or responding to your one-off requirements, our experienced designers and brand experts deliver with passion, accuracy and flair. (And they have our very best coffee machine.)

Featured projects

In the mix?

PR and content creation | Brand and Creative Communications | Websites | Applications and Software


It all fits neatly into your blueprint for integrated communications

Brand Identity

Brand identity for The Maldives Airports Company

The brand identity runs across all printed literature, web, signage and digital as well as exhibition display and interior design.

Responsive web design

New CMS driven site with intuitive, complete product product range, search function and basket facility for building a product order enquiry.

Bartuf are the leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of innovative retail display solutions in the UK.


Product branding

Product branding for award-winning distillery’s
orange and rhubarb flavour gins

Healthcare branding

Branding for Malaria rapid diagnostic test kits

Latest Blog

Elevating Agricultural Hygiene: The Power of Agricultural Disinfectants

In the realm of agriculture, maintaining pristine hygiene standards is the cornerstone of livestock health and overall food safety. Proper disinfection practices are pivotal in keeping infections, diseases, and contaminants at bay. In this article, we delve into the world of agricultural disinfectants, exploring their significance in promoting animal well-being and the integrity of our…

Rethinking Infection Control: The Downsides of Chlorine-Based Cleaning Agents in Healthcare Settings

In the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of rigorous infection control measures in healthcare environments has never been more evident. As we grapple with the challenges posed by infectious viruses like SARS-CoV-2, norovirus, and the infamous Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile), the choice of cleaning agents plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the…

Strategically Leveraging Case Studies: A Cornerstone for Elevating SEO Rankings

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Digital PR, where the algorithms of search engines dictate visibility, the age-old practice of case studies has resurfaced as a potent tool – a means to not only enhance SEO rankings but also fortify a brand’s Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and the newly crucial factor, Experience, demanded by Google. Google’s…

Montpellier Creative